Unexamined Privilege

What do you take for granted?

When I walk down the street, guys don't ask me to smile. Random strangers don't fling compliments my way like alms for beggars. I don't have to go out of my way to look like I don't want to be bothered. I'm physically and mentally healthy, able, doing work that I love. I'm also a cis-gendered, straight male. These are things I take for granted. And for a lot of people like me, that doesn't feel like privilege.

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Minimum Viable Blog

Hello World.

I have decided to start writing again. Life over the past year or two has taken some wild turns, and I'm starting to feel like some of my wild musings need a home again. In the spirit of Lean, here's the first iteration of my latest attempt at blogging.

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  • p = nil (i...page_number).each do p = p ? p.metadata[:locals]['prev_page'] : prev_page; end
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